Collectomania! Folk Song and Music Collectors and their Worlds

Collectomania! Folk Song and Music Collectors and their Worlds

This is a past event


For over two hundred years, and for a variety of reasons,  ‘folk’ song and music enthusiasts have ventured into the field and become collectors – gatherers of the material which has greatly enhanced our understanding of the vernacular culture of the past. But their activities have come under increased scrutiny in recent years, and it is time for a wide-ranging re-assessment of the collectors’ lives and works. This major two-day conference will investigate collectors as individuals and networks, their achievements and failures, motives, methods, strengths and  weaknesses, social and political context, and the underlying ethos of collecting itself.

The focus will be on collecting in Britain and Ireland, but we would also be pleased to hear from researchers in countries with strong historical folk cultural ties to these islands. The conference will be in-person, but papers from delegates who cannot attend can be pre-recorded and played on the day.

Proposals for papers (20 minutes) and other presentations are invited. Closing date 1 April 2024.

VENUE: Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regents Park Road, London NW1 7AY

DATE: Saturday, 20 July–Sunday 21 July 2024

Organised jointly by the English Folk Dance & Song Society (EFDSS) and the Traditional Song Forum (TSF); with the support of the Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA), Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru (Welsh Folk Song Society), and the Elphinstone Institute (University of Aberdeen).

Hosted by
English Folk Dance and Song Society
Cecil Sharp House

Contact: Steve Roud (