Aberdeen Folk Orchestra: Kōterana Workshop and Performance

Aberdeen Folk Orchestra: Kōterana Workshop and Performance

This is a past event

Join the Aberdeen Folk Orchestra for a weekend of workshops exploring Institute alumnus Iain Fraser's piece 'Kōterana'.

Kōterana, the Māori word for Scotland, charts the remarkable story of 800 Highlanders who followed Revd Norman McLeod on a journey of no return from Scotland to New Zealand in the 1800s. Led by multi-talented musician Ronnie Gibson, the workshops will culminate in an evening concert.

Saturday workshop: 9:30am to 4pm in MacRobert Building, University of Aberdeen.Sunday workshop: 9:30am to 4pm in King's Pavilion, University of Aberdeen.Sunday performance: 6:30pm, in King's Pavilion.

PLUS optional Thursday evening sessions 21/28 September, 7:30pm at St Mary's King Street, Aberdeen.

Fee: £50 (by bank transfer or cheque: contact details below)

Fee includes lunch on Saturday, Lunch and dinner on Sunday, and refreshments throughout the weekend.



To book email: afo.koterana@gmail.com