Tales through Signs: BSL Storytelling

Tales through Signs: BSL Storytelling

This is a past event

Part of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival

Storytelling is often thought of as representative of oral tradition, but in the context of deaf storytelling this might more accurately be considered corporal tradition. Join us for a special evening with deaf storyteller and poet Tania Allan and ethnologist Ella Leith. Ella will introduce the relationship between British Sign Language (BSL) and stories, and storyteller Tania Allan will sign a tale in BSL. The evening will conclude with an open forum for BSL-users to share their own spooky experiences together, just in time for Halloween. The event is for both BSL-users and non-BSL users alike and there will be live BSL>English interpretation throughout.

Co-sponsored by the Scottish Storytelling Centre

Tania Allan and Ella Leith
Hosted by
Elphinstone Institute
The Sir Duncan Rice Library, Floor 2, Seminar Room 224

Booking: Either by phone: 01224 272996 or e-mail: elphinstone@abdn.ac.uk