Sculpture at the Watchie

Sculpture at the Watchie


The Watchie, Watch House, Catterline Coastal Path (North end)
Catterline, Stonehaven

OS Map Reference

NO 874 784


A painted steel sculpture in the grounds of this venue, it maintains a vigil that evokes the original raison d'ĂȘtre of the building.

Related Information

The watch cottage (The Watchie) on the Catterline cliff top was built for the use of the Customs and Excise men, to help deter and catch the smugglers at their work. The Watchie is a now community art/exhibition venue it features as a venue during the Catterline Arts Festival biannually on the last weekend in August and is also used for artists' residencies, 'The Watchie' was once the studio of the East Coast artists Joan Eardley (well known Scottish Painter, 1921-1963) and Lil Nielson (ditto 1938-1998) and retains a strong sense of their inhabitation.

A number of artists including Annette Soper, Joan Eardley, Angus Neil and Lil Neilson together formed what some have referred to as a Catterline School. There are amazing views of the wonderful bay from here.

link to Joan Eardley at National Galleries Scotland
link to Catterline Arts Festival website




External Links


  • Martin Sim

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