Folio 93v

Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.

Hymn, Virgo templum trinitatis, continued.

The fourth joy is Christ's resurrection on the third day, through which faith is strengthened, hope restored and death put to flight. Man is delivered from captivity and raised up from the earth once more to heaven. The enemy, overwhelmed, is made captive, and laments the loss of his power. The author asks the Virgin to pray for us continually, that through this joy we may join the blessed company of heaven. The fifth joy is the ascension, when the Virgin saw her son ascending in glory and realised that she was the mother of God as well as his daughter. The ascension shows the way upwards to the palaces of heaven; let those who linger in the misery of the world rise and follow it. The author asks that through this joy, we may not fall under the devil's sway, but ascend to heaven, to rejoice there forever.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998

leti tecum et iocundi
letemur in patria.\

Quartum virgo tibi datur
cum a morte\ suscitatur
Christus die tercia.
Per hoc fides\ roboratur
spes redit et mors fugatur\
per te plena gracia.
Homo captus liberatur\
et ab ymo sublevatur
sursum ad celestia.
Ho\stis victus captivatur
dolet gemit anxiatur,\
amissa potencia.

Ergo mater creatoris
funde pre\ces cunctis horis
ut per istud gaudium,
Post cur\sum huius laboris
beatis iungamur choris
super\norum civium.\

Quintum virgo concepisti
ascendentem\ cum vidisti
filium in gloria
Tunc\ aperte cognovisti
quod tu mater extisti [extitisti]\
cuius eras filia.
In ascensu demonstratur
via\ per quam ascendatur
ad celi palacia.
Ergo sur\gat et sequatur
istam viam qui moratur
in\ mundi miseria.

Per hoc gaudium rogamus\
ne subici valeamus
demonis imperio.
Sed ad\ celos ascendamus
ubi semper gaudeamus

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