Folio 93r

Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.

Hymn, Virgo templum trinitatis, continued.

The author asks that through this joy, the king whom we worship may look favourably upon us and protect us; that, under his protection, we may be admitted into the land of the living. The second joy is the nativity, when the Virgin, a star, gave birth to a sun, but in bearing her child did not lose her virginity, as a flower, giving forth its scent, does not lose its beauty. The author asks that through this joy, the Virgin may be our way to her son; that she may drive away our vices. The third joy is the star which shone over her son when he was worshipped by the magi. The star denotes the oneness of God; the three kings, his threefold nature. The gift of gold denotes purity of mind; myrrh, chastity; frankincense, prayer. The author asks that the Virgin, the star of the world, may cleanse us of our sins; that rich in virtue, we may rejoice with her in the house of our father.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998

confestim rex glorie.

Per hoc gaudium precamur
quod\ hunc regem veneramur
habere propicium,
Et ab\ eo protegamur
protecti recipiamur
in terra vivencium.\

De secundo gratularis
cum <quod> tu solem stel\la paris
velut luna radium.
Parien\do non gravaris
virgo manens <manes> nec\ mutaris
propter puerperium.
Sicut flos propter o\dorem
suum non perdit decorem
cum odor emittitur\
Sic tu <nec> propter creatorem
virginitatis candorem\
non <tu> perdis cum nascitur.

O Maria mater pia\
esto nobis recta via
apud tuum filium,
Atque pro\ tua gracia
depelle <repelle> nostra vicia
per hoc sanctum <secundum> gaudium.\

De tercio gratulari
stella monet quam\ morari
vides super filio,
Cum a ma\gis adorari
ipsum cernis <carnis> et ditari,\
munere tam vario.
Stella notat unitatem
tresque\ reges trinitatem
in predicto filio.
Aurum men\tis puritatem,
myrra carnis castitatem
et thus\ est oracio.

O Maria stella mundi
a peccatis simus\ mundi
per te virgo Maria.
Et virtutibus fecundi\

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