Folio 92v

Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.

Prayer, Obsecro te domina, continued.

The author asks that in his last days the Virgin may show her face to him and tell him the day and time of his death; that she may hear his prayer and grant him everlasting life.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998

is ostende michi faciem tuam et annuncies michi\ diem et horam obitus mei et hanc oracionem\ meam supplicem suscipias et exaudias et vitam\ eternam michi tribuas. Audi me exaudi me\ dulcissima Maria mater dei et misericordie. Amen.\

The seven joys of the Virgin Mary.

Introduction to the hymn, Virgo templum trini tatis.

Whoever recites 'the seven joys' in honour of the Virgin Mary once a day will receive one hundred days of indulgence from Pope Clement [VI], formerly known as Pierre Roger, who composed the hymn himself.

Quicumque hec vii gaudia in honore beate\ Marie virginis semel in die dixerit centum dies\ indulgenciarum obtinebit a domino papa Clemente\ qui prius vocabatur dominus Petrus Rogerii qui\ hec vii gaudia proprio stilo composuit.\

Hymn, Virgo templum trinitatis.

A hymn commemorating the seven joys of the Virgin Mary (HL, 2, pp 165-6). The first joy is the annunciation to the Virgin and the incarnation of Christ.

Virgo templum trini\tatis
deus summe bo\nitatis
et misericordie.
Qui\ tue humilitatis
<et> dul\corem suavitatis\
vidit et fragrancie.\
De te nasci nuncia\tur
cum per angelum\ mandatur
tibi salus gracie.
Modum que\ris demonstratur
dum consentis incarnatur\

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