Personal Statement Workbook

Personal Statement Workbook

Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement


True or False




  1. There is no limit to a personal statement



  1. A personal statement can be written in paragraphs



  1. The UCAS apply software has spelling and grammar checks



  1. You can write different personal statements for each of your five choices



  1. You can use bold, italics, and underlined characters



  1. You should keep a copy of your personal statement



  1. UCAS uses plagiarism detection software



  1. There is a link to “A Personal Statement Guide” on Apply



Thinking about the MACK Acronym…

“As Head Girl at my school I am responsible for organising prefect rotas and liaising with both the school management team and fellow pupils. I also have to represent the school at events both in school and in the community. This has helped me to build on a whole range of skills including communication and team-working skills.”

This paragraph best displays an applicant’s MATURITY

“Working part-time has given me vital work experience and the chance to expand my skills but most importantly it has enabled me to enhance my time management through organising study for a full school timetable and my work outside of school. This is something I feel would be beneficial for student life”

This paragraph best displays an applicant’s ABILITY

“I have been an avid swimmer since starting secondary school, sometimes practicing up to six times a week. Swimming has shown me the importance of sticking to a task. I recognise that through constant practice, evaluation and improvement I can make sure that I am performing to the best of my ability.”

This paragraph best displays and applicants COMMITMENT