Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 16, 22 - 31 May 2023
PGT Experience Survey now live!
The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey launches today, and is your chance to tell us about your experience at UoA as a PGT student. The results help us make changes that will improve what we do in future and to keep doing the things that you value. This will help improve the...
Founders' Day Chapel Service 2023 Recording
Watch the recording of this year's Founders' Day Chapel service which was conducted by University Chaplain Marylee Anderson and featured the King's College Chapel Choir.
Looking for a part-time job over Summer?
The University of Aberdeen's Museums and Special Collections require part-time, temporary Student Museum Assistants to welcome visitors to the Zoology Museum over the school summer and autumn holidays, and to ensure the safety and security of visitors and collections.
Exam & timed assessment support for disabled students
Do you have a disability, specific learning difference like dyslexia, a mental health or long-term health condition? If so, and you require support for timed exams/assessments in the upcoming assessment diet, but you have not already arranged this, please contact Student Advice & Support prior to Wednesday 14th June to discuss...
Interested in a summer internship?
Subscribe to the Career Service’s exclusive newsletter to receive weekly updates throughout the summer on paid internships, short-term projects and virtual experiences. Sign up here>>>
Marking and Assessment Boycott and graduations
Dear students, You will be aware that a small number of University staff in the UCU trade union are taking part in a Marking and Assessment Boycott as part of industrial action taking place at universities across the UK. Please be assured that the vast majority of our students will not be...
£15 Amazon voucher for views on your Student Journey
How was your experience applying to the University of Aberdeen? Did you find the process easy? Was it difficult or stressful? Were there parts of the enrolment process you thought we could do better?
Sir Duncan Rice Library - Floor Two Transformation
Work has begun on the redevelopment of Floor Two of The Sir Duncan Rice Library, in response to surveys and focus groups with the student community here at the University of Aberdeen, alongside an assessment of data on the use of our spaces and resources. This floor will therefore not be accessible...
Starbucks says 'good-bye'
After nearly 9 years on Campus, Starbucks at Crombie, is to close it's doors for the final time after service on Tuesday 6 June. The very best of wishes are extended to Nora and her Service Team colleagues!
Subway Closed for the Summer
The Subway sandwich outlet operating from the Student Union Building will close after service on Tuesday 30 May, reopening on Wednesday 30 August.