Page 2 of 2Results 11 to 16 of 16, 05 - 18 May 2023
Mental health Support at NHS 24
Did you know that there is a new NHS Mental Health information hub? Services are available to everyone in Scotland and include listening, offering advice, and guiding you to further help if required. When you phone 111 chose the mental health option to be connected to a team of psychological...
ICAS Foundation: 2023 Applications Open for Bursaries and Mentoring
The ICAS Foundation supports academically talented people from less advantaged backgrounds by helping them take their first steps into a professional career in accountancy or finance. Students benefit from a range of support including bursary funding, mentoring, assistance and help to access internships. We are now accepting applications for Autumn...
University marks World Asthma Awareness Month
May is Asthma Awareness Month and throughout the month, the University of Aberdeen, the University of Aberdeen's Development Trust and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation are on a mission to raise awareness of asthma and rally support for staff and students who live with the condition.
Beware of
Please beware of emails from This organisation is not affiliated to the University of Aberdeen in any way, and you should never sign-up to services from unknown senders.
Legacy RefWorks to be retired at end of June - Upgrade now!
As of June 30, 2023, Legacy RefWorks will no longer be available. After this date it will only be possible to use the new upgraded version, ProQuest RefWorks. We encourage all current users of Legacy RefWorks to upgrade as soon as possible to minimise disruption to your studies or research....
University of Aberdeen Development Trust Sports Bursary scheme - now OPEN
Each year we are delighted to be able to provide funding for a number of Sports Bursary awards to support student athletes combining their academic studies with their sporting career. The deadline for applications is 8th September 2023. Find out more information and apply.