Promotions Procedure for Academic Staff

Promotions Procedure for Academic Staff

The University has in place procedures for academic staff to apply for promotion depending on their level/grade.

If you are interested in applying for promotion please ensure that you review the appropriate documentation and guidance before submitting your application. 

Academic Staff Grades 7 - 9

Welcome to the Academic Promotion Toolkit which includes information and relevant documentation for the Academic Promotion Policy and Framework of Criteria.

Please click on the sections below to see further information about the Policy and Procedure, Framework of Criteria, application process and additional guidance materials.

You will also find information about briefing sessions available to hear more information as well as key timings for the 2024/25 annual exercise.

Promotion toolkit

Academic Staff Grades 5 - 6

Applications can be received at any time in the year. A minimum of 12 months' service is required and only one application can be made in any rolling 12 month period.