The University has in place procedures for academic staff to apply for promotion depending on their level/grade.
If you are interested in applying for promotion please ensure that you review the appropriate documentation and guidance before submitting your application.
Academic Staff Grades 7 - 9
Welcome to the Academic Promotion Toolkit which includes information and relevant documentation for the Academic Promotion Policy and Framework of Criteria.
Please click on the sections below to see further information about the Policy and Procedure, Framework of Criteria, application process and additional guidance materials.
You will also find information about briefing sessions available to hear more information as well as key timings for the 2024/25 annual exercise.
Promotion toolkit
- Section 1 - The Promotion Policy and Procedure and Framework of Criteria
Policy and Procedure | Framework
Policy and Procedure
The Promotion Policy and Procedure replaces the existing Policy and Procedure set out how the promotions process is managed, including the use of the Framework of Criteria.
Key aspects of the Policy and Procedure include:
- A decision-making process based on Heads of School completing an evaluation (that includes a requirement to consult other senior academic members of staff) and submitting this to a University committee for consideration, along with the application.
- 2 University Committees considering applications - one considering applications for Lecturer/ Advanced Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow and one considering applications for Reader and Chair.
- Membership of the committees will include senior academic representatives, ensuring coverage of the range of disciplines, career tracks and gender and race balance.
- The opportunity for applicants to disclose individual circumstances - recognising that circumstances (e.g., part time working, health matters, caring responsibilities and particularly during the pandemic) may have impacted on the volume of outputs. There is the opportunity for staff to disclose this information confidentially.
- Information about declaring conflicts of interest and how such declarations will be managed. This includes the opportunity for staff to flag a conflict in terms of the membership of the committee considering their application.
- Involvement of social bias observers on University Committees (which may include a trade union representative taking on this role).
- Enhanced feedback for staff, both successful and unsuccessful with a focus, for unsuccessful applicants, on what steps can be taken to enhance a future application.
You can view the Policy/Procedure in the index of Toolkit documents below.
Framework of Criteria
The Framework of Criteria enhances the previous criteria used which were the National Academic Role Profiles (NARPs). The NARPs remain as the main method of role evaluation in the University.
The Framework of Criteria includes key Pillars relating to different academic activity:
- Research.
- Education.
- Scholarship and/or Professional Practice.
- Engagement, Innovation and Impact.
- Clinical Service
For each Pillar, detailed criteria and supporting indicators (examples) are provided across three levels, demonstrating an increase in responsibility. The supporting indicators are examples and applicants are not required to provide evidence against all of them and may provide other examples not listed.
The Framework sets out the minimum thresholds as well as flexibility for applicants to provide evidence, according to their current academic career track, as well as the level of promotion being sought.
The Framework also highlights that all applicants must demonstrate baseline evidence of University Citizenship, including contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
You can view the Framework of Criteria in the index of Toolkit documents below.
- Section 2 - Information about the Promotion Exercise
You can find out information about the key timings for the 2024/25 exercise below. Please note that the date for receipt of applications is 31 March 2025.
January/February 2025 Briefing sessions for staff - Introduction to the new Policy/Procedure and Framework of Criteria and Preparing an application for promotion.
February/March 2025 Period of time for staff to consider and prepare their promotion application. 31 March 2025 Closing date for applications to be submitted to Heads of School and April/May 2025 Heads of School preparing their Head of School evaluation for each application, including consulting senior academic staff to inform this. June 2025 First meetings of the University Promotion Committees. September/October 2023 Second meetings of University Promotion Committees.
Effective date of successful promotions - 1 August 2025.
- Section 3 - Additional information and detail of briefing sessions
In this section you will find additional guidance materials, information about briefing sessions as well as information about the University Promotion Committee members.
You can find a copy of the promotion application form and other guidance materials, including frequently asked questions, in the index of Toolkit documents below.
Briefing Sessions
A recording of the briefing session can be viewed at the following link:
Academic Promotion (staff briefing)-20250224_110928-Meeting Recording.mp4
University Promotion Committee - Membership
The membership of University Promotion Committees 1 and 2 for the 2024/25 exercise will be published shortly after the closing date for applications (31 March 2025).
- Section 4 - Academic Promotion Toolkit Index of Documents
- Academic Promotion Policy and Procedure December 2024
- Academic Promotions - Framework of Criteria (December 2024)
- Academic Promotion FAQs December 2024
- Academic Promotion Application Form (for Grades 7, 8 and 9) December 2024
- Academic Promotion Guidance for Applicants December 2024
- Individual Circumstances Form
- Academic Promotion Guidance for Heads of School (December 2024)
- Academic Promotion Head of School Evaluation Form
- Academic Promotion External Evaluation Nomination Form
- Procedure - to change Academic Career Track
- Social Bias Scheme - Guidelines for Observer (approved by EDIC)
Academic Staff Grades 5 - 6
Applications can be received at any time in the year. A minimum of 12 months' service is required and only one application can be made in any rolling 12 month period.
- Guidance
Applications for Research or Teaching staff seeking promotion to Grades 5 and 6 may be submitted at any time in the year, but a minimum of 12 months service is required before staff are eligible for consideration for promotion. The following procedure has been developed to provide further information:
If you are interested in applying for a promotion, it may be beneficial to review the following guidance documents before submitting your application:
- Forms
If you wish to apply for a promotion, please complete the relevant application form from the list below: