As a university which strives to be open and welcoming, diverse and inclusive, we recognise the reality of systemic racism, both in wider society, and within our institution.
We are committed to stamping this out as a matter of priority and have a plan of action in place dedicated to tackling racism and creating an anti-racist university. We will lead this action with passion, taking a whole-university approach, encouraging our colleagues and students to engage in open discussions on race equality. Racism has no place, and will not be tolerated, in our University or across the sector.
Professor George Boyne, Principal and Vice-Chancellor
The University of Aberdeen is committed to challenging racism and racial inequality in our institution and taking proactive action to create a learning, working and social environment, in which our Black, Asian, and Other Minority Ethnic students and staff members feel safe. We acknowledge the racism in the everyday life of our racialised community members, and the institutional racism which they have to navigate.
These webpages will provide information on resources, actions, and groups.
We will be transparent along this journey, addressing past and present racist incidents, and sharing our progress. Please see our statements to the community here: past statements.
We will work collaboratively with our community to develop strategies which will result in concrete actions. Find out more about our anti-racism groups and participate by learning more from our resources section .
For support visit our new online reporting tool and contacts for further action.
We have:
Committed at a strategic level to improving the level of inclusivity, which is one of the key themes of Aberdeen 2040
Created a Race Equality Strategy Group to oversee and drive change
Provided race sensitivity training for groups of staff and launched online training materials
Appointed Race Equality Champions in each School and Directorate