Lecture Capture: FAQs
Lecture Capture: Frequently Asked Questions
- Is lecture recording compulsory or can I opt out? If so, how?
- Why is lecture capture required
- Is training available on Panopto?
- How can I arrange for my videos to be available only to those who are currently involved in my course?
- Who can see my videos?
- Can my recordings be used by other members of staff in their courses?
- How can I delete recordings?
- Do I have to use Panopto to record my lectures or can I use other tools?
- What do I do if a student does not want to be recorded?
- How will these recordings be stored by the University? Where will they be held? And for how long?
- What are the Archiving and Retention Rules on Panopto?
- If I remove a video link from MyAberdeen, does that mean that the video is no longer available?
- Will recordings be destroyed automatically at the end of each academic year or will this need to be done by each lecturer individually?
- What exactly am I consenting to when agreeing to use Panopto?
- What are performance rights and who do these belong to?
- Who owns the intellectual property?
- Who has copyright over the recordings?
- What do I do if a recording of my lecture has been made available to others without my permission?
- What systems/processes are in place to ensure the security of the recordings such that only students enrolled at UoA can access?
- Staff who lecture on topics related to media and visual culture often use images drawn from the web that may or may not be in the public domain. They may also use their own images from their primary research that they may not want to distribute.
- Who is responsible for copyright compliance: individual staff or the university?
- What should staff do if there is copyright material in their lectures (i.e. film clips) that it would be a breach of copyright to post online?
- Am I able to record with other software instead of Panopto?
- Does a lecture recorded at Aberdeen remain technically 'usable' by staff or students at Aberdeen while the staff member is employed elsewhere?
- If so, for how long and with what copyright or intellectual property implications (since their new place of employment will get them to sign an intellectual property agreement too)?
- Can the University use my recordings during industrial action?
- Do I need to record tutorials?
- Teaching Recording Consent Form for External Users
- Downloading Recordings