Open Session: IT Support for
Grant Applications and Research Projects

Open Session: IT Support for
Grant Applications and Research Projects

We are hosting a drop-in session on 21 September to help you with IT related queries in respect of current applications or existing projects.

The session will be held in room 2.046, Rowett Building, between 1.30 and 3.30pm, and colleagues from CGEMB (Centre for Genomic Enabled Biological Medicine) will be joining us.  

Come along and get direct support from subject matter experts as well as more general IT support. Services taking part include:

  • HPC (High Performance Computing)
  • SafeHaven
  • Data Management Services (including SNAP Surveys)
  • Web Services for Researchers
  • Media Services (Medical Illustration, Photography, Video, Graphics)
  • Specialist IT Equipment
  • IT Training (MS Office suite, OpenText CMS)

You don’t need a formal appointment – just pop in. We’ll send a calendar invite to all staff, just to put a place holder in your diary.

Can’t make this event? Don’t worry – we’ll be holding more in the coming months. Or email your questions to and we’ll get back to you.