Royal Academy of Engineering Public Engagement awards

Royal Academy of Engineering Public Engagement awards

Ingenious is an awards scheme for projects that engage the public with engineers and engineering.

The latest round of the Ingenious scheme is now open to applications, and the closing date is 4pm on Monday 17 October 2016.

If you have an imaginative idea that helps engineers to communicate their expertise and passion to a wider audience – we want to hear from you. You could be an engineer interested in running your own project, or a science and engineering communicator keen to explore ways to provide public engagement training and opportunities.

Ingenious has funded over 189 projects to date, providing opportunities for over 2,000 engineers to take part in public engagement activities, to gain skills in communication and to bring engineering to the very centre of society.

The Ingenious awards programme aims to:

  • Inspire creative public engagement with engineering
  • Stimulate engineers to share their stories, passion and expertise in innovative ways with wider audiences
  • Develop engineers’ communication and engagement skills
  • Create debate between engineers and people of all ages to raise awareness of the diversity, nature and impact of engineering

Funding is available from £3,000 to £30,000.

For more information on how to apply visit or contact Anna Doherty at or 020 7766 0683.

Ingenious is supported by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).