Working wonders in Woodlands

Working wonders in Woodlands

A group of 15 volunteers from across the University gave up their day to volunteer for Seaton Community Woodland on Wednesday 25 May.

Working with Aberdeen’s Countryside Ranger Service, the volunteers spent the day removing tree tubes for re-use and stakes from approximately 1500 trees in this urban woodland close to campus.  The final result has received positive feedback from the local community with a large area of the woodland cleared of tubes. 

Fraser Lovie, who co-ordinated the event said: “These annual community focused volunteering days are a great opportunity to bring colleagues from all parts of the University together in a common cause.  This is the third event of its kind and on each occasion our volunteers have enjoyed the activity itself and have got to know colleagues from different parts of the institution, and all in the name of supporting some great local initiatives.”

Duncan McNeill of the Ranger Service said: “The contributions made by hard-working volunteers are invaluable in supporting the work we do.  We were delighted to work with the University to find an activity that suited the time available to us.  We’re always looking for volunteers and organise events for the general public throughout the year, so every bit of additional help we receive is much appreciated.”

Details of the work of the Ranger Service is available online here.