Update on the Professional Services review

Update on the Professional Services review

The Professional Services Review is progressing well towards delivering the target of £3m savings by the end of 2016/17.

Over the last few months, the four workstreams – Research, Teaching & Learning, Digital Transformation and School/Section Support – have made significant strides in taking forward the Review.  At present, work is focused on developing proposals for the most appropriate organisational structures for Professional Services support for the future – the structure which will underpin our support for achieving our ambitions as outlined in our Strategic Plan.

The Project Board has delivered an initial report and a second report is planned for the end of January.

A key priority of the Review is to promote efficiency and remove duplication across Central, College and School Professional services and is underpinned by a commitment to do so without recourse to compulsory redundancy.  Further information about the work of Review is available here.

A number of open meetings on the progress of the Review will be led by Caroline Inglis, University Secretary, in early 2016.