OneSource Finance - project update and expense claims

OneSource Finance - project update and expense claims

OneSource Finance will be upgraded to Milestone 4 on Monday 19 October. Once live, the new system will allow the majority of staff to submit their receipts for expenses electronically, removing the need to submit paper receipts to Accounts Payable.

HMRC still require receipts – that hasn’t changed – but will now accept them in electronic format.

Instead staff will be able to scan receipts, or photograph them with their smartphone, and attach a PDF or image file to the relevant lines of your expense claim form. You’ll find full guidance in our updated user guides from 19 October.

Note: There is one exception to this change: For auditing purposes for certain grants (European funded grants), there is still the requirement for the original receipts to be retained for claims to those funding bodies. Please contact Research Financial Services (RFS) for advice.  Principal Investigators of EU funded grants will receive additional guidance directly.

Getting ready for Milestone 4

There will be no access to the Finance system between Tuesday 13 October and Sunday 18 October as we prepare for the launch of Milestone 4, which is scheduled to go live on Monday 19 October.

During the upgrade period there will be no access to the Finance System, or the Parabilis E-Marketplace. A procedure has been put in place by Procurement for the issue of temporary order numbers for urgent purchases during the downtime. The process will be communicated by Procurement to Lead Buyers.

Find out more and take a tour

Milestone 4 has a completely new interface. If you haven’t been involved in user acceptance testing then why not take a quick tour now.

The finance processes behind the scenes haven’t changed so whether you’re ordering goods and services or submitting an expense claim, you’ll be going through the same steps as before.

We’ve been updating all our user guides to reflect the new user interface and you’ll be able to download these from the Finance area of StaffNet from Monday 19 October.