Changes to use of email lists

Changes to use of email lists

We are changing the way the email lists are managed and used at the University. This is partly for technical reasons, as we migrate to Office 365, and partly because we want to respond to feedback from colleagues irritated by the number of all-staff emails circulated, and also on occasion the inappropriate use of large internal lists.

Dept-info will disappear during the week starting 22 June. Information for wide circulation previously sent to this list should be sent to for inclusion in the weekly StaffNet ezine.

Dept-staff will be renamed list-staff, and connected-users will become list-honorary. The main user of these lists will be Communications. A limited number of other users will get access to dept-staff for occasional urgent operational messages. However we want to minimise this as far as possible and will be contacting those on the ‘dept-staff sender’ list next week to check their need for retain this access.

During the next few weeks we also intend to review access to sending all-student emails, and these lists will also be renamed and migrated. Students tell us they get so many emails from so many sources within the University that most are deleted unread, which means that important messages are getting lost.