May Festival - Highlights for the weekend ahead

May Festival - Highlights for the weekend ahead

The May Festival got off to a tremendous start today and events are filling up fast. However there is still the opportunity to get tickets for events over the weekend by visiting the May Festival Box Office in the King's College Conference Centre.

Suggested highlights on Saturday (30 May) are:

Writer Michel Faber (The Book of Strange New Things) at 2pm in Arts Lecture Theatre

Novelist David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas, The Bone Clocks) at 5pm in Arts Lecture Theatre

NHS2020: what will healthcare look like in five years’ time panel and audience debate, 4.30pm in King’s College Conference Centre

Journalist Oggy Boytchev on life in war zones across the world with John Simpson, at 6.30pm in Regent Lecture Theatre

Utopia:from Aberdeen to Afghanistan film screening and discussion at 1pm in Regent Lecture Theatre


And on Sunday (31 May):

Film director Roger Michell (Notting Hill) at 3pm in King’s College Conference Centre

View the full programme of events at: