IT Security Training

IT Security Training

We have created a series of short, tailored slideshows to help raise your awareness of information security threats at the University of Aberdeen and the part you play in helping to keep our data and systems safe.

Each self-paced slideshow tackles a different theme and offers guidance on best practice for email, mobile devices, passwords, anti-virus software, and more.

We encourage you to work through all five themes - each will take you around 5-10 minutes to complete.

To view the slideshows:

  • log in to myAberdeen at
  • you’ll find the link to IT Security Awareness in the My Organisations box, page centre

In addition to the slideshows, have a look at our quick guide on How to spot Phishing Scams. Download a copy and keep it handy to help you to identify email scams as soon as they arrive in your Inbox.

Feedback and suggestions for further topics are welcome via

IT Security. We are all responsible.