Call for festival proposals!

Call for festival proposals!

The Public Engagement with Research Unit (PERU) has partnered with two exciting festivals and is now accepting event proposals from staff.

PERU has partnered with the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) to become a regional hub for the annual Festival of Social Science (FOSS). The festival takes place in November and celebrates the diversity and impact of social science research across the UK. To submit a proposal for this year’s festival, which runs from 1 – 8 November, or for more information please click here.

The team is also accepting proposals for the Being Human Festival. Being Human is the UK’s first national festival dedicated to showcasing the value, vitality and relevance of arts and humanities research. PERU has partnered with the organisers, Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy to host an Aberdeen local programme between 15 to 23 November 2014. To submit a proposal or for more information click here.

The deadline is 5pm on 23 May for both.

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