University Vice Chancellor captures college enthusiasm

University Vice Chancellor captures college enthusiasm

Professor Sir Ian Diamond was at Dundee and Angus College this week delivering a presentation on the future of global populations to a group of Social Science students.

In his research career, Professor Diamond’s work has focussed on a number of areas, including population and health in both the developed and less developed world.

Professor Diamond  was delighted to share his views with his audience and found their questions to be well thought out and informed.

Course leader at Dundee and Angus College, Cherry Hopton, said: “A visit like this has many benefits to our students.  First it allows them to hear first hand from leading researchers in their field and in Sir Ian’s case this is research that informs global social policies as well as national ones.  It gives them a taste of university life and lets them meet the leaders of the institutions they will enter later in their academic career.  Lastly but importantly it introduces them to the wider academic community of social scientists and shows them that those who are at the top of their field are prepared to take time from very busy schedules to come and speak to the next generation of social scientists.”