Panel discussion to take place at University of Aberdeen

Panel discussion to take place at University of Aberdeen

On Monday (24 February) the European Movement in Scotland is putting on a 'Question Time' style panel discussion at the University of Aberdeen.

Professor of International Relations Michael Smith from the University and Jenny Wilson from the Aberdeen Univeristy Politics and International Relations Society, will take part in the discussion.

The event will take place in the MacRobert Lecture Theatre from 7-9pm and will be chaired by Professor John Curtice, Professor of Politics at the University of Strathclyde and frequent political commentator on TV and radio.

Also on the panel will be Linda Stewart, Director of European Development at the University of the Highlands and Islands, Lewis Macdonald MSP, Chief Whip, Scottish Labour Party and John Edward, former Head of the European Parliament Scottish Office.

The topic of the discussion is ‘Scotland and the EU- why should we care?’ The aim is for the panel to field questions on the general theme above and in particular subjects such as:

  • The UK's and Scotland's relationship with the EU - including potential impact of the Scottish and possible UK referendae.
  • The role of the European Parliament elections - why should people bother to vote?
  • Women and young people's views of the EU - why should the EU matter to them
  • Other topics of local interest relating to the EU

The event is aimed at both students and non-students and aims to raise awareness of the importance of the EU in advance of the European Parliamentary election on the 22nd May 2014.

‘Question Time’ is a series of five events: two have already taken place at the Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews, with those at Aberdeen (24th Feb), Dundee (12th March) and Edinburgh (12th March) still to come. The European Movement in Scotland has received funding support from the European Commission Representation in the UK.