Foresterhill Electrical Shutdowns

Foresterhill Electrical Shutdowns

Due to essential SSE high voltage maintenance the following sites at the Foresterhill site will have no power during the following dates and times.

Due to essential SSE high voltage maintenance the following sites at the Foresterhill site will have no power during the following dates and times.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Med Physics                       No power between 0900hrs and 1400hrs.

Pedri Unit                            No power between 0900hrs and 1400hrs.

Health Sciences                No power between 0900hrs and 1400hrs.

IMS phase 2                       No power between 0900hrs and 1400hrs.


There will be no additional generated power available during these shutdown periods other than existing generator supplies.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused but these shutdowns are necessary to carry out essential maintenance.