Navigating Neurodivergence: Experiences of Neurodivergent Women in academia

Navigating Neurodivergence: Experiences of Neurodivergent Women in academia

26th September, 10 am – 11.30, Microsoft Teams

The Women’s Development Network invite all women to join them as they come together with the Menopause Network and the Neurodiversity Network to explore the experiences of neurodivergent women in Academia.

We are pleased to welcome Dr Rachel Moseley (Principal Academic, Bournemouth University), Ms Karen Mitchell (academic skills adviser, University of Aberdeen) and Dr Helen Knight (Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen), who will share their own experiences and journeys, explore what neurodivergence is, offer insights into supporting neurodivergent students and share research behind the impact of hormones on neurodiversity.

Please email to find out more.

Join the session here.