EmilyTest Charter Award

EmilyTest Charter Award

Dear colleague,

I am delighted to share that the University has been successful in achieving the EmilyTest Charter Award in recognition of the work we have done to enhance the support offered to victim/survivors of gender based, and sexual, violence.

Our work with EmilyTest and the Drouet Family started following the tragic death of Emily while she was a student with us in 2016. Since her death her mother, Fiona, has worked tirelessly in Scotland and beyond at changing the outcomes for victim survivors, particularly those at risk of suicide, and the impact of gender-based violence in our society. I am personally grateful to Fiona for her leadership, compassion and kindness to me and the University as we undertake this journey.

Fiona said: “We firmly believe that if Emily were a student at the University today, the outcome would have been very different.

"The transformation at the university is astounding, and is a result of a deep commitment by strong and genuine leadership. We believe students will now receive the help, safeguarding and support that Emily so desperately needed. That of course if painful given our loss is so painful, but we gain comfort from knowing that everything is being done to ensure no other student finds themselves in Emily's position, and if they do, they will receive the support victim/survivors so desperately need."

While this achievement is something to celebrate it only marks a point on our continual journey with regards to tackling GBV at the University and by no means the end of it. We have not always gotten things right when responding to instances of GBV and the University remain committed to continually reviewing and improving our processes and support for victim/survivors as we learn. Personally, I have learned a great deal over the last few years about how we can improve the support we offer to victim/survivors and in enhancing the processes we put in place to support our wider community – that is a journey of learning that both I, and the University, is committed to continuing in the future.

Principal George Boyne added: “I’m very pleased we have been recognised with the EmilyTest award for the work done in recent years on Gender Based Violence. I've met with Fiona Drouet several times since I joined the University and I admire her commitment to this issue. We will never forget Emily or what happened to her in 2016; this fuels our ongoing and unwavering commitment to fight Gender Based Violence in all its forms.

"The award is welcome recognition of the work being done at the University and I would like to thank all those who developed our EmilyTest award submission and continue to support the University's Aberdeen 2040 commitment to promote inclusion and provide support for our community."

I want to thank all staff at the University who contributed to this achievement, particularly members of the Strategy Group and the specific TFG which supported our application.

Our application for the EmilyTest Charter was made in honour of Emily Drouet, and it is her legacy I think about today as her impact is felt across the University and wider sector. 

More details on our work with EmilyTest is available on our website.

With best wishes


Nick Edwards

Deputy Director of People and Convener of the Addressing GBV and Sexual Harassment Strategy Group