Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group

Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group

Dear colleagues,

This is to provide you with a further update on the work of the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group.

Harmonisation of Terms and Conditions of Employment

The Group has now finalised a Collective Agreement to Harmonise terms and conditions of employment.  This will be submitted to the meeting of University Court in June for final approval. 

To provide the opportunity for you to hear more about the agreement, and to discuss any queries you may have, drop-in sessions have been arranged as detailed below. Staff will be able to speak with members of the Senior Management Team, the Campus Trade Unions and Human Resources.  Please attend either session at any time during the times provided.    

Option 1: 23 May between 12.30pm and 1.30pm in Room 100, University Office.

Option 2: 28 May between 3.00pm and 4.00pm in Level 5 Conference Room, Rowett Institute

Option 3: 29 May between 11.30am and 12.30pm in Committee Room 2, University Office.

You can also contact with queries if you are not able to attend one of the drop-in sessions.

Accredited Living Wage

As an Accredited Living Wage employer since 2015, the University is committed to paying the agreed rate which is increased annually. The latest rate of £12.00 per hour applies from 1 May 2024. 

This has a significant impact on the lower spinal points of our grading structure. Temporary arrangements have been put in place from 1 May 2024, with shorter term work to review this over the summer months to ensure differentials between spinal points are maintained. 

Nationally, discussions have also commenced about reviewing the national pay spine, and erosion of the lower points as a result of the Accredited Living Wage will also feature in this discussion. 

Further updates will be provided as work progresses.

The new pay scales can be viewed here.


The Group continues to review data about the use of Guaranteed Minimum Hours and Temporary Services contracts, to ensure practice in line with the guidance that was agreed. 

This includes consideration of moving staff from these types of contracts to fractional contracts where a clear pattern of hours has been worked, there is an ongoing need for hours and staff wish to transfer to an alternative contract.

As a reminder, any member of staff on a GMH or Temporary Services contract who has concerns about their contract can speak to their HR Partner.

If you have any queries, please contact

Best wishes,


Tracey Slaven

University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer