Christmas closure arrangements

Christmas closure arrangements

Update on the closures over the winter break

Dear colleagues,

All staff are reminded of the following arrangements in respect to Estates related services over the festive break.

Energy and heating arrangements

The University is closed, therefore we will be operating a setback / frost protection regime in the interests of minimising unnecessary energy use, whilst ensuring that buildings are fully frost-protected. This will take effect on 23 December and remain in place until the University reopens on 8 January 2024, when all buildings will be fully heated again in time for occupancy. A small number of buildings have been excluded from the shutdown for operational/business critical reasons in discussion with occupants. Hot water services will remain fully operational throughout closure to prevent legionella risk.


  • ensure that all non-essential lights are switched off when the last person leaves for the holidays. This includes office lights / desk lamps and any decorative lights
  • turn off any non-essential appliances which can be switched off over the Christmas break eg PCs, monitors, photocopiers, fax machines, laboratory equipment etc

Please note also that all AC units for cooling of freezer rooms will be left on. 

Facilities services

The University Security team will be on duty throughout the Christmas/New Year period, contact telephone number 01224 273327.

All cleaning, portering and related activities and services will cease from close of play on 22 December and recommence on 8 January 2024. There will be limited basic cover for the Macrobert building and at Foresterhill between Christmas and New Year.

Waste uplifts

Waste and recycling uplifts for the University will stop on 22 December and will restart on 8 January.

If you have residual waste in your area immediately prior to the break (especially food waste) please ensure you remove and take out your rubbish by close of play on 22 December, including food, packaging, bottles, etc.

Travel & Transport

The 9U shuttle bus will stop at 6.15pm on 22 December and restart at 7:50am on 8 January.

Parking controls will cease from 22 December and restart on 8 January.

Mail Room Arrangements

The Mailroom at Dunbar Street, Kings Campus will be closed from 5pm on 22 December and reopen on 9am on 8 January 2024. As such there will be no outgoing mail service between these dates. Incoming mail during this period will be delivered and stored within the Mailroom, but not distributed until 8 January.

The mail service will continue at the Polwarth Mailroom, Foresterhill during this period, other than on the public holidays of 25 and 26 December, and 1 and 2 January 2024.

General Building Security

Staff are reminded that the University campuses are officially closed (locked down) and not operational, with no heating over the closure period, with only certain exceptions.

Prior to leaving for the festive season, please ensure that:

  • all office doors and windows are closed and locked
  • curtains and blinds are drawn in your work area, including in teaching / seminar rooms, prior to leaving for the Christmas break
  • valuables are locked away


For staff who have pre-authorised access through their School or Directorate, or are on the business-critical / emergency response list, if you attend campus over the break please ensure you:

  • have registered with and activated your Safezone app, so Security are aware of your presence on campus
  • contact Security when you are on campus to advise them of where you are and how long you intend being here
  • contact Security when you leave

Snow clearance

Old Aberdeen

There will be no snow clearing in Old Aberdeen from 23 December to 7 January inclusive. Please contact Security if snow clearing or gritting is required.

Medical School

Medical School car parks and a minimal area of paving will be kept clear, except on 25 and 26 December, and 1 and 2 January.

Hillhead Student Village

The main access road and a minimal area of paving will be kept clear except on 25 and 26 December, and 1 and 2 January.


ASV’s contractor will grit and clear snow when required from 23 December to 7 January.

National Decommissioning Centre (Newburgh)

There will be no snow clearing and gritting on 25 and 26 December, and 1 and 2 January. Outwith these dates our contractor will carry out snow clearing and gritting as and when required. Please contact Security on 01224 273327.

Wishing all our colleagues across the University an enjoyable festive season!

With sincerest thanks for your support through the year,
The Estates and Facilities Team