Energy efficiency and savings

Energy efficiency and savings

Update on changes to the University's energy use

Dear colleagues,

As we enter the cooler months and winter heating season, we all need to make a concerted effort to reduce our operational energy use given the sustained increases in energy bills and our commitments to progress towards net zero.

While the University is part of a public sector consortium that secures energy at beneficial rates, the recent energy markets turmoil has impacted on the University as it has more widely on businesses and households. Our utility costs pre-pandemic were under £4m but are now projected to be nearer £8m in 2023/24.

Since 2015, as part of our sustainability commitments, we have made steady progress in reducing energy consumption and associated carbon emissions. However, those reductions were in an era of relative price stability.

Post-pandemic we have seen significant and sustained increases in the cost of utilities, and while our campaigns have reduced energy consumption, extra measures are now required to accelerate our reductions in energy consumption and limit the impact of continued rising bills.

Against this backdrop Estates & Facilities has been tasked with seeking ways of curbing projected energy costs where possible and in the first instance this means:

  • Managing target temperatures for buildings - as per our Heating Policy - to reach and maintain 20°C during occupancy hours
  • Reducing the period during which heating routinely operates to between 8am and 5pm
  • A recall on all electric heaters temporarily issued, apart from those required for medical need or in areas undergoing maintenance with known heating issues
  • And just a reminder that non-University issued portable heaters are not permitted in office spaces for safety reasons.

Colleagues should note that heating of buildings outside the hours indicated above eg for events or late-night classes will continue to be supported on a case-by-case basis. Block bookings of spaces outside of core hours will, however, be queried to ensure we are only heating spaces as required.

Alongside these measures, there are several actions you can take to support this effort, and these include:

  • Reporting any energy inefficiency that you identify eg where areas of buildings are over-heating. Please use the Estates & Facilities reporting process here.
  • Ensuring that office lights and equipment are switched off at the end of the day and when leaving a room for a long period of time
  • Ensuring that all equipment that can be safely switched off is not left on standby
  • Please use only the communal kettles and hot-water dispensers located in local shared kitchen spaces for tea and coffee making
  • Acknowledging that rooms may take slightly longer to come up to temperature in the morning and dressing accordingly eg by keeping a jumper at work.

We hope you understand why we are taking these steps and thank you for playing your part in doing what we can for environmental and financial sustainability.

Best wishes


Tracey Slaven

University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer