Interim Director of Student Recruitment

Interim Director of Student Recruitment

Ashar Ehsan appointed as interim Director of Student Recruitment, with Jennifer Sloan supporting as interim Deputy Director.

The University has appointed Ashar Ehsan as interim Director of Student Recruitment, with Jennifer Sloan supporting as interim Deputy Director. 

Ashar will lead the University’s work on admissions, recruitment, conversion and international partnerships until at least early next year, when we expect to have the permanent director appointed and able to join us. Both will begin their roles next week.  

Ashar arrives from the University of Law, where he was Global Director - International Student Recruitment.  Before that he was Pro Vice Chancellor for Vocational Education and Training at Charles Darwin University and held external relations roles at Ravensbourne, Wolverhampton and Bradford Universities. 

Jennifer joins the University through SUMS Consulting, a higher education consultancy that is providing strategic and operational management support to the University’s student recruitment operations.   

She was previously Head of Global Engagement and Recruitment at the University of Dundee and held posts at the University of St Andrews and Edge Hill University in Lancashire.