February pay uplift update

February pay uplift update

Implementation of the 2023-24 Pay Award - new salary scale

Dear colleagues, 

Further to the communication issued earlier this week about the 2023-24 Pay Award, you can now view the new salary scale here.

This confirms the interim uplift, which applies from 1 February 2023, as detailed below.

Spinal Column Points

Uplift - total

3 to 41


42 to 51 (and Grade 9 offscale)



The uplift will be paid in the March 2023 payroll, including arrears to 1 February 2023. Please note that the £1000 uplift for spinal column points 3 – 11 refers to an addition to the annual salary and not a one-off payment of £1000. 

Best wishes


Karl Leydecker
Senior Vice-Principal