University in UK Top Five for WiFi & Internet

University in UK Top Five for WiFi & Internet

Congratulations to the teams in Digital & Information Services who have contributed to our top five placement in StudentCrowd's Best UK Universities 2022 for WiFi and Internet.

See the StudentCrowd page for the league table and to find out how it is created based on student reviews.

This year the Network team in Digital & Information Services have been upgrading hundreds of wireless access points (WAPs) in university buildings to new WiFi 6 models.

Buildings which have already had their WAPs upgraded include: MacRobert, Edward Wright, Taylor A-D, University Office, William Guild, Polwarth, Suttie Centre, Kings Hall, Hillhead North Court and the Students’ Union Building.
Over the next few weeks, more WAPs will be upgraded at Hillhead South House and Central Building.

By August around 450 wireless access points will have been upgraded, providing greater WiFi speed, coverage, efficiency and reliability.

This forms part of our overall strategy to replace older WAP models on a rolling basis. However, the feedback from the student survey at the end of 2020 was really useful in helping us target the areas where improvements were most needed.

The IT support and guidance from the Service Desk and Toolkit teams is a crucial element in providing the best WiFi and Internet services that we can.

Thanks to our students for their feedback and to all the staff involved in improving the WiFi and Internet services at the University.