REF Open session

REF Open session

Dear colleagues,

On Thursday 12 May, an Open Session will take place to discuss the results of the University’s REF2021 submission, which will have been published that morning.

The REF is a UK-wide assessment of the quality of research undertaken by UK higher education institutions. The results of the REF directly influence our standing in national and international league tables and are also used to calculate the level of Research Excellence Grant (REG) awarded to the University annually by the Scottish Funding Council.

The event – part of the latest in a series of Open Sessions for our community – will be introduced by Principal George Boyne, and will include a presentation on the REF2021 results by Vice-Principal Research Marion Campbell.

Following the presentation, a Q&A session for staff will take place which will also involve Director of Research and Innovation Liz Rattray, and Research Policy and REF Manager Marlis Barraclough.

The Open Session will take place from 10am to 11am and you can join the session here  

About the event 

  • This event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams Live Events. You can access the session using the link above.

  • Use the Q&A facility to post your questions – please only use this for questions, rather than general comments.

  • Your questions will not appear until they are posted by a moderator – so don’t worry if you don’t see them popping up immediately. You can use reactions in the Q&A to show your support for specific questions posted by other users.

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