Access to University buildings - update

Access to University buildings - update

Following a discussion that took place at this week’s Campus Planning Group over access to University buildings, staff are advised that the current access arrangements are as follows:

Those with swipe-controlled entry doors are now set to open within the normal teaching times of 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

  • swipe accessible doors are generally unlocked and open during this time, however there are a number of buildings where people still need to swipe to access which will allow entry during normal teaching times.

  • external doors which were unlocked during the day will automatically lock at 6pm and staff and all postgraduate students will be granted access by swiping their ID card, until 8pm.

  • undergraduate students will have limited access to certain buildings only from 6pm, including the Sir Duncan Rice Library, MacRobert Building and New Kings for society and study activities, and the Taylor and Polwarth Libraries.

  • Edward Wright (A Block) and New Kings can be accessed by all students from 8pm to 10pm, Monday to Friday.  They can also access MacRobert 24/7, Monday to Friday.

Access to University buildings at weekends is discouraged in line with the University’s stance on maintaining a healthy work-life balance.  However, staff and postgraduate research students can arrange exceptional access where required, initially authorised through Heads of School.

Some doors fall outside of these general rules.  These tend to be the more specialist/research intensive buildings and access for these areas has been agreed locally by representatives of the building users, therefore will have been communicated locally to those affected.

Estates and Facilities will be approaching key school access controllers to identify particular local building and school requirements for swipe access in the coming weeks, following which School-specific information will be communicated within Schools.  In the meantime, any queries or specific requests about access control should be directed to