ZendTo - secure file transfer service

ZendTo - secure file transfer service

Do you have occasion to send large files or files that include sensitive or personal information? If so, it's important you know how to do this securely.

You are required to use ZendTo when sending files that include sensitive or personal data outwith the University. You must also encrypt the files, to ensure that the information is secure both in transit and once received by the recipient. Our guide includes instructions on how you can do this within ZendTo.

It is not a requirement to use ZendTo when sending such information within the University. However, you should use ZendTo when sending any file that is larger than 25MB.

Our updated guide on Toolkit’s ZendTo resource provides step-by-step instructions.

If you have any questions about the guidance, please contact the Information Governance Team dpa@abdn.ac.uk.


Author: Information Governance Team, DDIS