New book is icing on the cake for dementia research

New book is icing on the cake for dementia research

Mother and daughter team Alison and Michelle Kinghorn have raised thousands of pounds for dementia research at the University by compiling a collection of their favourite baking recipes.

Dementia is close to Alison’s heart, having worked as a nurse in a dementia unit for many years. She also lost her mother to the illness earlier this year. An avid baker, she has over many years collected, shared and created baking recipes with family and friends and decided that putting them all together in a recipe book was the perfect way to try and raise awareness and funds for research.

Since publishing their book – Raising Funds for Dementia Research: A Collection of home-made cakes and bakes – the ladies have sold a first print run of 500 copies and have more on order.

The original plan was to sell them at a fundraising evening organised by Aberdeen businessman Charlie Bain and his wife Carol who, since 2010, have worked tirelessly, raising more than £300,000 for the University’s dementia research programme in memory of their fathers, Charles and Roy.

Last year’s fundraiser was cancelled due to Covid, but the ladies decided to go ahead with the book anyway. “My mum is a fantastic baker and has baked for as long as I can remember. Over the years, she has gathered a lot of recipes, more than 60 of which feature in the book,” explained Michelle.

“She knows so many people that it wasn’t long before we had sold all the copies and raised £5,000 for dementia research at the University.”

With the support of Charles and his wife, the University has invested substantially in equipment to support innovative projects investigating dementia. Four major pieces of equipment which have been purchased with Mr Bain’s support have helped to ensure that the University’s John Mallard PET Centre is at the cutting edge of medical imaging.

Lisa Chilton, Head of Development said: “We’re extremely grateful to Michelle and Alison for their fantastic commitment to fighting dementia. Their recipe book is jam-packed with more than 60 delicious treats. Thanks to kind support from sponsors Bon Accord Glass, C Euro Communications, Compass Print and Xeretec, every penny raised is supporting the University’s dementia research.

“Our researchers are working hard to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this devastating condition, and it’s wonderful to have such passionate supporters in our local community.”

Professor Bettina Platt, Chair in Translational Neuroscience, described supporters like Charlie Bain as ‘one in a million’.

“Charlie is so full of energy and has held so many fantastic fundraising events over the years that have supported our endeavour to find better treatments for dementia sufferers, and at the same time engage with the local community affected by this terrible illness.

“His funds have helped to support a number of innovative projects, including brain imaging projects for the diagnosis of dementia, and we have recently had the opportunity to test novel compounds that may provide new therapies for Alzheimer’s patients in the future. His enthusiasm and passion for dementia research, the support he has received from friends and family, and the funds donated to our research programmes are hugely appreciated.”

The book is priced at £10 and is available from Michelle at All the proceeds from the book will be donated to the University of Aberdeen, to help fund research into dementia. If you wish to donate, please visit: