In Memoriam - John McLoone

In Memoriam - John McLoone

The University is deeply saddened to learn of the death of John McLoone who was a tutor within the Law School. 

John, who was a solicitor in practice in Aberdeen specialising primarily in criminal defence work as well as a tutor on the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice, had been unwell since the turn of the year.  

Professor Greg Gordon, Head of the Law School, said: “I knew John quite well, mainly from my time in practice before entering academia, although we would often have a chat in the corridor when he had finished his DPLP teaching.    

"He was a gifted trial advocate. Shane Campbell, Senior Tutor in our Advanced Criminal Advocacy course, has spoken of being inspired to become a criminal defence lawyer by a court visit while a student, where he saw John conduct a trial. He was also a very committed teacher who took a particular interest in the development of new entrants to the profession.  

“Out of court he was quite a quiet man but had a keen sense of humour.  He is survived by his wife Stella and his step-children and our thoughts are with them at this sad time.”  

Staff and students are remined that colleagues in the Chaplaincy and support services are on hand should anyone require support.