In Memoriam - Stuart Duncan

In Memoriam - Stuart Duncan

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Stuart Duncan formerly of Media Services.

Director of Digital & Information Services, Brian Henderson pays tribute to Stuart below.

Stuart Duncan retired from the Media Services section through ill health last year. He was a quiet, trusted and reliable colleague who contributed so much to  the University in his work for Medical Illustration and IT Services teams, and his friendship was very much valued by his colleagues. 

Customers regularly contacted Stuart rather than follow official contact processes because they just wanted to speak to him due to his lovely manner and expert knowledge in so many areas of AV technology and video production.  Stuart’s work with Med Chi as their AV Officer was outstanding, and recent  work in The Suttie Centre since it opened was core to the success of the delivery of   our services there. 

Iain Harold fondly remembers when Stuart was involved in delivering a national  audio-visual presentation to celebrate the 500 years of the University. The Principal at the time insisted the AV team came to the reception at the Caledonia Club around  the corner from Buckingham Palace. Iain still smiles at the post-event image of all the dignitaries in kilts and dinner jackets, and Iain and Stuart in jeans and t-shirts having haggis and whisky amongst them all.  

I always found bumping into Stuart on campus left me feeling uplifted. His positive attitude and friendly nature always shone through as he went about his work.  

Stuart kindly indicated anyone wishing to mark his passing could make contributions to Cancer Research or to plant a tree in his memory. He will be sadly missed.