Campus changes following lifting of city restrictions

Campus changes following lifting of city restrictions

Staff Update - 24 August 2020

Dear colleagues,

Following the announcement yesterday by Scotland’s First Minister of the lifting of the temporary restrictions that had been placed on Aberdeen City, the following changes are now in place for our campuses.

Campus access sessions

The previously postponed campus access sessions for staff to access their buildings and offices have been re-scheduled for Tuesday 1 September to Friday 4 September.

As a reminder, you should only attend your office if you need to collect items for work purposes, and following authorisation from your line manager. Staff seeking to attend campus must read the conditions of access guidelines accessed here and only attend during their relevant building access period, details of which can be found here.

On-campus activities

Some of the activities that were paused on campus due to the additional localised restrictions can now re-start. This means the resumption of:

  • New research activity in line with previously agreed plans
  • Fieldwork activity
  • Authorised travel to campus for the purposes of preparation of teaching – for example the recording of lectures.

Distancing and face coverings

Just a reminder for staff and PhD students on campus:

  • Maintain 2m distancing
  • Wear a face covering inside buildings unless you have an exemption on medical grounds
  • Exercise good hygiene practices
  • Minimise use of shared items
  • Discuss any concerns they have regarding working on campus with their line manager or PhD supervisor

Our Campus Planning Group meets tomorrow, and a further update will follow afterwards. Now that the local travel restrictions have been lifted, the Campus Planning Group is expected to authorise further activity on campus following requests routed via your line manager.

Just a reminder that you can see our previous updates to the community here.

In the meantime, any queries should be directed to

Best wishes,

Karl and Debbie


Karl Leydecker
Senior Vice-Principal

Debbie Dyker
Acting Director of Operations