Covid-19 - Current Student Update: new Aberdeen City restrictions and our campus

Covid-19 - Current Student Update: new Aberdeen City restrictions and our campus

Current Student Update

6 August 2020

Dear student,  

I am getting in touch to assure you of the actions that the University is taking following the local restrictions introduced for Aberdeen yesterday by Scotland’s First Minister and which came into force at 5pm last night.  

We support the authorities and the city in their efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and are taking every step to ensure that we are adhering to all guidance and requirements. 

Our Campus Planning Group (CPG) has been planning extensively for our return to campus. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and much work is underway to ensure we are ready for September.  

I understand that many of you may have concerns relating to this current increase in restrictions in Aberdeen. As you will appreciate, the guidance surrounding Covid-19 can change rapidly, and we are continuing to monitor the situation closely and following the Scottish Government guidance so that we can update our community accordingly. 

Let me update you on some of the many measures that we are taking:  

Blended Learning 

As you are aware, we are preparing for blended learning in September – I wrote to you on Monday with a summary of those plans. First of all, please be reassured that our preparations for blended learning in September are unaffected and continuing.  

Our preparations for blended learning will ensure that all of our students will be able to access their learning no matter what their circumstances. If circumstances prevent you from getting to Aberdeen, your teaching and learning will be available online.  

Our planning means that we are in a good position to deal with any restrictions which could be put in place in any part of the world, at any time. Your Schools will keep you up-to-date with specific information relating to areas such as clinical and school placements, fieldwork and practical learning.  

Halls of Residence 

We currently have around 200 University students staying with us on campus in self-catered accommodation and we are ensuring that they are supported in this current situation. 

We have an extensive cleaning and maintenance programme underway as we get ready to welcome those moving into our halls in September. Arrangements are also in place to support students that need to self-isolate in halls after entering the UK under prevailing UK travel requirements. 

Cleaning and Safety  

  • Enhanced cleaning at touchpoints across campus 

  • New hand sanitising stations across campus  

  • Thorough deep cleaning has been carried out across campus 

  • Sanitising wipes in key areas throughout Schools and departments 

  • Two reusable face coverings will be available for all staff and students 

  • Forehead thermometer testing strips will also be available for those who wish to use them 

The safety and wellbeing of all our students and staff is paramount and that is why we are taking further proactive steps now on campus - such as temporarily suspending our services at the Sir Duncan Rice Library - in order to play our part in trying to control the outbreak in the city.  

Please keep checking our student pages for any updates, and any queries you may still have should be directed to 

We look forward to welcoming you back to university when the time comes. 

Best wishes 



Professor Ruth Taylor 

Vice-Principal (Education)