Covid-19 - update to staff and students - announcement of local restrictions in Aberdeen

Covid-19 - update to staff and students - announcement of local restrictions in Aberdeen

Staff and student update - August 5 2020

You may already be aware of today’s announcement by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of the introduction of local restrictions in Aberdeen because of a recent rise in Covid-19 cases in the city. 

As a University we are monitoring developments closely and considering the implications this may have for our University community. We have convened an emergency meeting of our Campus Planning Group (CPG), and we intend to provide a further update on actions emerging from this meeting shortly.  

In the meantime, let us recap on the First Minister’s advice to people regarding the introduction of local restrictions, which will be reviewed after seven days and which are summarised as follows: 

  • Taking effect from 5pm today (Wednesday 5 August), bars, restaurants, cafes and pubs will be required by law to close. Hotel restaurants can remain open to provide food for existing guests, and takeaway services can continue. 
  • People in Aberdeen City are asked not to meet other households indoors or travel more than five miles for leisure or recreational purposes. 
  • People can continue to travel for work, or education purposes. Visiting in hospitals and care homes will return to essential visits only. 

Today’s announcement acts as a reminder of the importance of following national health advice in order to reduce the risk of transmission. With this in mind, we want to take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of following the advice of the Scottish Government’s FACTS campaign, which is as follows:  

  • Face coverings in enclosed spaces 
  • Avoid crowded places 
  • Clean hands and surfaces regularly 
  • Two metre distancing; and 
  • Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms             

Please be assured that as a University we are well prepared to deal with the consequences of today’s announcement, and that your health, safety and wellbeing remains our primary concern. 

Further information will follow on the steps that we will take in response, but in the meantime please follow the advice above and take care.  

Best wishes

Karl and Debbie 

Professor Karl Leydecker 
Senior Vice-Principal 

Debbie Dyker 
Acting Director of Operations