Brexit update: ID Document Check app now available for iPhone

Brexit update: ID Document Check app now available for iPhone

The EU Exit: ID Document Check app is now available on iPhone.  The service, which allows EU staff and students to make applications to the EU settlement scheme, was previously only available on android devices. 

The app is only available on newer models of iPhone (iPhone 8 and above, with iOS 13.1 or above, and with 120MB storage to install the app).

As part of the University’s support to EU staff, HR continue to offer free use of an android device to anyone who wishes to make an application through the app.  If any staff are interested in using the app then please contact Sharon Cassidy in HR to make an appointment - any students seeking advice should contact

While a decision is expected to be taken soon on whether the EU will grant an extension to Brexit, activities continue to take place across the University to ensure that staff and students are kept fully updated on any issues that might affect them as a result of the UK’s departure from the EU.

Our Brexit webpages continue to be updated with the latest information and advice, while pop-up sessions are taking place across our Old Aberdeen and Foresterhill campuses, providing reassurance and advice and signposting students and staff to relevant information.

Anyone with specific enquiries that aren’t answered through our dedicated webpages should email

Meanwhile, our International Student Advisers continue to hold drop-in sessions for students with questions about their immigration status and options resulting from Brexit. The next session takes place at Old Aberdeen on Wednesday November 6.