New look login box

New look login box

We've given the web login box a fresh new look.

What’s happening?

Your feedback suggested that the old login box for web forms and web applications (see example below) was ‘clunky’, looked different depending on the browser you were using, and didn’t reflect the look and feel of the rest of the University website.

Screenshot of old style web login dialog

So we took on board your comments and redesigned the login box to be more user friendly, and more in keeping with the website design - see below. We think you’ll like it!

Screenshot of new style web login dialog

What do I need to do?

You don’t need to do anything. Only the design has changed, and you should log in with your University credentials in the usual way.

We’ve rolled this out to our web applications first, and we’ll be adding it to web forms and other locations in due course, so don’t worry if you spot the old style in the meantime.

If you have any questions or comments about the redesign, please contact the Service Desk.


Author: Web Team, Digital and Information Services

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