My Aberdeen :: Ultra Course View

My Aberdeen :: Ultra Course View

This summer, the University has started the phased switch over to a new look course page in MyAberdeen, called the Ultra Course View.  Five schools will start to use this new view from 2019/2020 academic year.  They are: Education, Business, LLMVC, Psychology and Law.  The remaining schools will move to Ultra the following year.   

MyAberdeen supports a dual course mode, meaning we can have a mix of courses in the Ultra Course View and the Original Course View.  Both course views appear seamlessly in the course list.  The Ultra Course View is easier to navigate, allowing users to focus on the learning materials and assessments hosted within it.  With a quarter of our students regularly accessing MyAberdeen on a mobile device, the Ultra Course View will also provide an enhanced user experience since the responsive design of the interface adjusts to fit on any device. 

The eLearning team have been running workshops since March for those moving to Ultra with written guides and a self-study package available online for those unable to attend.  In addition, drop-in sessions are running within the five schools moving to Ultra, with eLearning Advisers on hand to provide one-to-one support for staff.

Please visit our eLearning News page for further information, practical tips and good practice advice.