Arctic university heads to meet for Rectors' Forum

Arctic university heads to meet for Rectors' Forum

The heads of universities focussed on investigating the Arctic will meet at the University of Aberdeen this week to discuss the latest developments and research in the Circumpolar North.

The UArctic (University of the Arctic) network is a collection of universities that carry out research into the Circumpolar North (the Arctic).

Researchers and teachers from different disciplines come together to learn about the Arctic’s lands, seas and environments; peoples and cultures; and the contemporary issues facing the region.

The UArctic Rectors' Forum 2017 will see the leaders of UArctic's Higher Education Institution members travel to Aberdeen where they can present, debate and converse on topics of shared relevance.

The forum will be followed by the Conversations from the North international academic conference which is open to the public.

The conference will cover themes as diverse as the environment and people, to education, culture and health care.

For more information about the conference visit the event page.