Calling Buddy volunteers

Calling Buddy volunteers

The University is introducing a Buddy Scheme programme open to all new staff. Establishing this scheme will contribute to a swift and comfortable integration process for all new employees.

The Staff Development team are calling on staff to sign-up as Buddy Volunteers to help new colleagues settle into their role, and the organisation, by sharing some of your personal experiences here at the University.

Information sessions are available on the following dates to find out more about the scheme.

  • 01 AUG 2017      12:00-13:00         Foresterhill         Polwarth 1:029

  • 03 AUG 2017      12:00-13:00         Old Aberdeen   University Office, Committee Room 2

  • 09 AUG 2017      12:00-13:00         Foresterhill         Polwarth 1:029

  • 11 AUG 2017      12:00-13:00         Old Aberdeen   University Office, Committee Room 2 

If you are interested in attending an information session, please RSVP to Niamh Kelly-Omollo.

NOTE: If you’re not available to attend one of these information sessions it does not mean you can’t sign-up as a Buddy Volunteer. Sessions are not mandatory, and being a Buddy Volunteer is an easy role that requires no prior training.

If you are interested, please sign-up here through our online matching system.