Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Four electric vehicle charging bays have been installed at the University; two near William Guild at Old Aberdeen and two near the Rowett at Foresterhill.  The bays are available to plug in electric or electric hybrid vehicles only; other vehicles using the bays will be subject to parking enforcement measures.

Information for EV charging point users

  • No charge is being made for electricity

  • A parking permit/voucher is not required to park in the bay providing it is being used by an EV to charge the vehicle.

  • Please do not leave cables trailing.  Be mindful of the risk of cables causing a trip hazard.

  • Please charge only when you need energy and move your vehicle once it is charged so that others can use the facilities.

The charging points will be listed on the ChargePlace Scotland network shortly.  If you have any queries please contact: environment@abdn.ac.uk