Maths & Specific Learning Differences at University: Exploring the Issues

Maths & Specific Learning Differences at University: Exploring the Issues

The Student Learning Service in the Centre for Academic Development is hosting the 1st Symposium on Maths and Specific Learning Differences at University on 9th of June 2017, with our Vice-Principal for Learning & Teaching, Professor Peter McGeorge, welcoming the delegates to the event. This will be the first opportunity for those involved in Maths and/or Specific Learning Differences Support in Scottish Universities to meet and explore ways of working together.

Dr Emma Cliffe, Maths and Statistics Resource Centre Development Officer at the University of Bath, will be our guest speaker. Emma is qualified as an Academic Skills Adviser in both Maths and Specific Learning Differences.

The purpose of the meeting is to look at different models of collaborative work with a view to developing good practice guidelines. Uniquely in Scotland, the University of Aberdeen has the Maths Skills Adviser, Dr Morgiane Richard, and the Adviser for Dyslexia & other Specific Learning Differences, Dr Julie Ross, both working in the Student Learning Service. As a result of this co-location both Advisers are able to collaborate in the maths skills development of students with Specific Learning Differences, facilitating their move through the transitional phases of coming to and progressing through university. Morgiane Richard and Julie Ross will be sharing their model of practice during the day.

The event is co-organised by the Scottish Maths Support Network (SMSN) and the Association for Dyslexia Specialist in Higher Education (ADSHE Scotland).

For further information please contact the Centre for Academic Development.